Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Beliefs.

"These are people, IN their human life, {that}said, I AM ALIVE! What does it mean? What am I doing here?{And} what can I do about it?" These are people, who felt, SO MUCH, and wanted to communicate it, and NEEDED to communicate it to people!

I am the bar, and I am the Poet!
AND TO BE A POET, WHILE THE INTERNET EXISTS. Man we got an opportunity!"


The video above is one of my favorite videos of all time. This video is a big representation of what I believe is true to myself. When I write a piece, sometimes its not about what I am writing, its about what I am feeling. The nostalgic feeling of wanting to spit every emotion out. And most of the times that I write, it's me feeling overwhelmed by how much I appreciate everything. Like Christmas morning, but on a greater emotional level.

I love writing the part, but, like right now, its hard to just spit out. Sometimes you just got to keep writing without stopping because once I stop to think about what I want to write, it becomes all to much. 

The ebbing and flowing of writing

 -“The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.  ~Muhammad Ali” –

We all change as we get older, and we should all be okay with that. Its a continuous battle with myself to be okay with the fact that we all change. One day I may start to not like a particular thing, and then jump onto something else. That doesn't mean its not me anymore, it means I am learning from my experiences. 

I didn't like avocados as a child, but love them now, this doesn't mean I should freak out and tell myself 'That is not who you are! How dare you enjoy a different part of life" It happens. I see it as making room for the new, and storing away only the good parts, and throwing out the rest. 

This happened to be painting for me. In high school I LOVED to paint. I think I had all the access to supplies, and I was learning new tricks and techniques  Once I got out of high school supplies were limited, and I wasn't learning much. I was a bit bummed about how my passion for painting dwindled down slowly. BUT, it wasn't until I saw the bigger picture. I was making room for the new that was to come into my life. I substituted one art for another, but they end up collaborating together in the long run.

  Sure I have learned to absolutely love Avocados over the years, but I still hate the taste, and texture of carrots, something I may always hate, but that just means its something I gotta work on. Which brings me to another lesson I have been learning, which is, I have something I could be working on, and always being willing to improve. If I am not improving on anything, I feel as If I am wasting the gift of life that given to me. We want different things for ourselves more frequently then we think, and it’s OKAY. 

Sticking to one big personal goal is healthy for me, I just can’t overwhelm myself too much with too many of these big goals. Having “near future” goals makes me feel grounded. That is why I have decided for the one destination to San Diego. I want to explore the world, but I can't put too many goals on my near future to do list.

Surrounding myself with what I want in my life, even if I am feeling out of place, will get me to learn, grow and understand what I am being encircled in. By being around it, I will learn from it. If I want to be involved with a particular event, group, hobby, ect, I go out and jump right into it. I think if you really have a stirring of interest in something, GO FOR IT. You will never know what kind of experiences you will get from learning about that something that greatly interests you if your not surrounded by it. Life proclaimed moments happen when people learn about the things they love. If I am not practicing, I am not learning, and if I am not learning, I am not understanding, which inevitably turns into a waste of my time.

Don't be angry with the world. This statement sounds a little harsh. Sometimes I even get frustrated with people. When I think about how our society runs, I can turn into sour grapes, but that is not the message I want to reflect. Sure, everyone is different, and I understand there needs to be people who can reflect that energy and create something so enormously big from it, but for me, it doesn't make me happy. Different people have different roles. I have come to terms with my role, and that role is to reflect a positive energy to inform the people in a positive manner. This works in my benefit, to get people to listen to what I have to say, and to try to give them an understanding from my perspective.

I found this card in a library book, half a year ago. I love the fact that its from Love Unlimited This is a reminder that I am my own person, and I have every right to feel whatever I am feeling.

1. I have the right to judge my own behaviors, thoughts, and emotions, and to take the responsibility for their initiation and consequences upon myself. 

2. I have the right to offer no reasons or excuses for justifying my behavior. 

3. I have the right to judge if I am responsible for finding solutions to other peoples problems

4.I have the right to change my mind

5.I have the right to make mistakes and be responsible for them

6.I have the right to say " I don't know" 

7.I have the right to be independent of the goodwill of others before coping with them

8.I have the right to be illogical in making {my} decisions

9. I have the right to say "I don't understand"

10. I have the right to say " I don't care"


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