Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Individuality, We all have it.

Aristotle, being the great Greek philosopher he once was, had said
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
And what a simple, yet powering statement.

The feeling of my own personal enlightenment started in the core of my body, where my soul had been resting for all these years. It had been waiting to be awakened by the spirit that sparked my mind and body. I know this can sound kinda crazy, and a bit coo coo, but this is from my experience alone. I am sharing what I have discovered while try to get to know myself. It is only fair that I involve my thoughts with my feelings, and let the writing flow. I know a ton of people who has had the same initial feelings that I had felt. 

{Pike Place at night}

It’s not impossible to achieve a love, respect, and even a relationship with one’s self. I know this because I have, and I continue to learn how to make my life more meaningful. Using my mind in different ways makes it grow, gives me ridges. Using my body in different ways makes me stronger, and I feel powerful. I am practicing these tools that I was BORN with, and learning them like instruments. These are the instruments that were given to me at birth, and I don’t want to waste the good gifts that I was given. (as I did with the clarinet in 6th grade)

I hear people all the time tell me that they wished they had a musical talent.


This is one of those things that I merely respond with “You can”. I think people need a desire to pick up on something, an influence to provide some sort of guidance, and enthusiasm to learn and broaden the mind.
In my experience, talking about this with other musicians, I think I have come up with the conclusion with the whole “picking up an instrument” deal. 

1.    It’s always the beginning that is the biggest hurdle. Processing information that is fresh and new can be overwhelming and exhausting.

2.    Going back and challenging you a little bit more. Before I even realized it, chords were easier to play each time I had picked it up. Eventually it became exciting, and not so overwhelming. 

3.    There is nothing like feeling excitement from an accomplishment. NOTHING. You want to give yourself a great big hug, and it will be wonderful.

4.    If you like music, try out different ways of playing. You can even start tapping your hands to a song, make a beat, use your voice, or make something up. There is not only one instrument that you have to stick to

5.     Music is just another form of self-expression of living in the moment. If you like dancing, dance. If you like singing, sing. If you like talking, talk. Do whatever makes you happy. Ignore the feeling of your self-doubt, instead try tuning into self-discovery.

I think anybody can apply these "instrument guidelines" to the instruments that we have been carrying within us our whole lives. They may be stored away somewhere, in a closet, in a mind, or an inner core, but just like playing a physical instrument, you have to tune it to make a sweet sound. I want that sweet sound to hum in my ear for the rest of my life, and I want to make it the sweetest sound I have ever heard.

{Beautiful travel day to Bainbridge Island}

It’s a waste of my energy if I find no passion in something. If I try to continue on a routine where it still hasn’t’ proved interest for me, or given me that spark, I can let it go. My life is about finding out what I am good at, and seeing if I enjoy doing it. I can put my spiritual ego down by leaving it to someone who enjoys it. If I have no interest in excelling in something, then I won’t. 

Ellie Cole is a great example of a normal everyday person making sure to take in the uneventful moments, and turning them into a joyous time. Elli, a 35 years old, British Women, was in Eastleigh UK, waiting for the bus to arrive. Ellie choose to occupy that time she had, and occupied it by doing something she loved. Danced. She danced while she waited, in style of course.

Now Ellie has a great gig, Alesha’s song is being played more, and a whole bunch of people are inspired. I applaud Ellie for the fact that she didn’t have to compromise her own happiness for anyone or anything.

I have my headphones in every day on the way back from work and I just can’t help myself – I just dance”, “Wherever I am, if there’s music I find myself jigging along to it.

I know not everybody has that deep connection with music, that’s okay, not everybody has too. Maybe some people get inspired from poems, or by books, or even by watching YouTube clips all day… whatever it is that keeps people happy, and drives them forward, I say keep doing it. 

For me, a song can play on so many different emotions. I listen to songs that inspire me in different ways. There are songs that I listen to when I write, there are songs I listen to when I dance, and there are songs I listen to in a poetic form, where I try to understand that persons artistic output. There are also songs I listen to when I feel apathetic. 

Who knows, maybe my dancing at bus stops, or my way of grooving down the streets will get me places as well. It’s all about the Self- awareness. 

{Relaxation time on South Lake Union}

Being myself to the best of my ability from the knowledge I have accumulated has made me feel empowered. Being who I am and embracing it has got me to understand that nobody else’s personal opinion about me matters, because my happiness comes from within – Yes another cliche that rings true to me. I just have to find what makes me trick, and tune into it. If I am able to give advice to anyone right now, it’s going to go along the lines of..... You have to find yourself, learn to accept yourself, and then you will find comfort in doing anything great for yourself.

As for me, if music wasn't obvious enough, I have other things about me I like to embrace.


Silly Frames, as they come in the multiples. 



Has a Knack for painting a picture every so often
Stayin Crafty!

 I bring my dancing feet with me, and dance almost constantly when alone. I also bring my guitar most places, but your lucky to catch me playing/

(Hempfest Photographer caught me at a rare moment!)

I am finding the little things in my life make me happy and sharing it with others, so they can find their happiness and we can all live in bliss. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

State of Happiness


The 2:00 clip above has made my mind spin in a whirlwind of enlightenment. Each time I watch this, it gets me thinking a little deeper, and puts me in a position where I start to feel more connected on a greater emotional level with myself. I wonder how much self worth I would have as a child if this was instilled in me at a young age.
 I have been realizing that I have been smiling at random moments when I am "In It" (Garden State reference), and it feels like I am doing something amazing for the soul. When I see a stranger returning that big genuine smile back at me, that is when I float.

{First rainy day we’ve had in a while, and it was beautiful}

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
{{--Leo Buscaglia--}}

I have been struck with the most sentiment of apperciation towards the events, people, and oppertunitys that have unfolded into place. It feels nice to know that the things I really wanted when I was younger, are starting to appear and appeal to me again. Recently this has all started to make more sense to me as I have got to understand that all I really want out of life is understanding.
Now that I am discovering who I am, and what I really want, nobody else has that ability to control that aspect of my life anymore. In fact they never did, it was just inevitable that I follow along like mostly everybody does in this society. While growing up in its hard to find that time to discover who you really are with all the distractions that hold that precious time. 

{Fall of 2013, Seattle, it has arrived}

I am moved by how much love & support I have from many beautiful people that have been in my life. From Family, to friends, to acquaintances, to strangers, there are many great words I have to say about each one them. I am also happy to know that I have made an impact, and found some good stories to tell along this journey so far. I am still in awe with how many people are so open, trusting, caring, and most of all loving towards me. 

I have the power in any situation to be the best friend that I need and want. To be in any situation and can find my inner thoughts, make sense of the things that I have questions to, and feel fine with knowing I may not find those answers right away. I am discovering the frequency in my heart that tells me that I can confide in myself, calm myself, and most of all love myself

{Seattle Art to appreciate}

I can count on a handful of people in my life that I have got the best advice from, but I can also count on another handful of people, that give me advice that has been useless on my end. Advice is something that is another form of a memory. It’s a powerful, indelible thought that has a range emotion, a strong emotion that is raw or edited. Best part of all, it’s being shared with me, and nothing is more important to me than somebody that can share. No matter if I hear this advice, from a stranger, or a close friend, I feel, receive  and return the gratitude that has been allocated with me. Anyone that is willing to share an obstacle that they had to go through, that being good or bad, can change somebody’s life somehow, in some way. 

I have the courage to be courageous. To find the love within myself, and to project that love back towards others. I am spreading the good in my life, and finding my way to work through any pain that is dwindling. I am using the head space I have for the good thoughts, and trashing the negativity. Getting rid of the darkness, and bringing in an enrichment of light and love.

Above all, I want each person who lives in this world, to feel the high of happiness, and to countinue living in the clouds.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Chuck Manley

So bold that you would second guess if that’s his real given name. Chuck is one in a million. He stands out in every crowd, and tries to enjoy every minute of his life. He doesn't live his life for anybody but himself. He doesn't care what other people think about him, because chances are, he is going to be on another adventure before judgment calls are made.

A few things I have observed in my experience with spending some time with Chuck consists of the following. He is giving, passionate, outgoing, outspoken, and most of all respectful. His dreams are alive, and he doesn't let them fall into a coma to rest away. He uses the words “discovery and wonderment”, and they suite him perfectly.

I ran into Chuck on the corner of Pike and 4th, where he was hanging out, talking to all kinds of people in the midst of my passing. I noticed his camera and had to jump into a conversation with this guy. His character was beyond me. He had a sense of excitement, and seemed to be having fun in his own company, but also was able to charm others into smiling and giving him high fives.

Chuck used to be an EMT, saving lives, and seeing some lost. He found that the career as a paramedic took too much of an emotional strain, some bare heart wrenching moments, in some blessed ways, and sometimes in unfortunate ways. Tired of the same routine every day, Chuck wanted more out of his life. He wanted to venture to any place he could, and would without a doubt, find a way to get there. Chuck is on year 4 of his life adventuring and still has every sense of passion he did when he started. He has found people that have inspired him, and he has done the same to countless others while on his journey.

When I think of vacation mode, I think about when people enjoy the beauty in other people’s conversation and company, but also can be spending time alone in deep thought. When who knows what is going to happen next, but the hopes are on full throttle and nobody can get in the way of all the excitement. Chuck happens to live every single day of his life with this same mentality. You give and you get. You share, inspire and connect when you’re around Chuck Manley.

Whenever somebody would ask for spare change, Chuck never hesitated to check his pockets, and would gladly give to that stranger. I thought very highly of him when I would see this. From a guy who is used to traveling, hitchhiking and making it with only the things he can carry on his back, he would still be giving.

Chucks look on life is a lot different than most people I have ever met. When we were on the conversation about how most people set their goal to save a certain amount of money, he has some different views in mind that I never had put into perspective before. To save money to him is like holding onto something that is going to inevitably disappear.

Whenever somebody is taking life too seriously, I feel like Chuck would be the superman to somebody's soul. He is a reminder to everyone, that life is about having fun, laughing, loving, learning and growing. 

Chuck is the worldliest person I have ever met. He has been to Burning man (One for my bucket list), and plans to go again this year. He went to the National Rainbow gathering in Montana, and got there on a veggie oil powered bus. He lived in Guatemala, and traveled to Calgary Alberta. He flew to Central America to learn to scuba dive, and then went to Mexico for an end of the Mayan calendar. Amongst all these places, he and I were lucky enough to cross each other’s paths in Seattle. What an inspiration to MY life.

 (Chucks Favorite Picture of all time)

Hopefully one day I will be able to enjoy Chuck’s company once more, or hopefully multiple times more. His views in life are something I take into my heart and mind, they make me think, make me wonder, and make me want to explore and adventure even more than I thought was possible.

Chuck Manley. You are an inspiration to my heart, mind and soul.

“I thought about how far I had come on this journey. I thought about every ride, every person, every city, every night of sleep, and every day of life that I got to experience since June 1st when I had set off to go discover answers to things I didn't have the words to question. I thought about how a year prior I was hoping for moments like this. At points in my life I had only dreamt of things like this being possible.
I stood there smiling about how proud of myself I was that I actually did it. I made some incredibly bold choices that got me to the point of standing the highest I had ever been on Earth waiting for a unknown person to give me a ride. I got so excited I wanted to yell as loud as I could. I knew nobody could judge me because everyone around me would be in my life for such a short period of time that their existence didn't matter. So neither would their judgement.”
-Chuck Manley

Want to know more about Chuck Manley? Check out his website!

He lives to capture outstanding moments in life, through his photography and writing. 


absolutely love getting to know people, connecting and reconstructing ideas, sharing thoughts, and memories with one another, all that brings me to life. When I am being told a story, I can see the how that person is being brought back into that certain feeling they had when they were living that exact moment.

Whether that is excitement, or tragedy, I am taking it all in. Memories are powerful because it’s something that is being brought back up for many reasons, and usually it’s been made to be important to them.

These moments are considered, possibly the best in their lives thus far, and that makes it special to me. It makes me want to latch onto the ride that they have offered to share, for me to be that one special passenger they will always remember. 

I hope with my photogrpahy I can capture a moment in time and be able to recolect my foundess memories.

Above is a Map, which is in representation to where the wonderful people I have writen about, call "home". It shows me that I have an abundance of great people all over the world, that I have had a connection with. No matter where we are "from", we all share something in common annd can share an honest human bond